Running Money
2012.03.31. 07:37
{ edzésterve }
NEVE: Running Money
KORA: 3 év
FAJTÁJA: Angol telivér
SZÍNE: Sötétpej
SZÜLETÉSI DÁTUM: 2009.05.17.
ANYJA: Kiss Me Now
APJA: It's Already Midnight
ANYAI NAGYAPJA: ismeretlen
APAI NAGYAPJA: ismeretlen
VERSENYEZTETÉS: Galopp (Spirnt) , Küllem
MINŐSÍTÉSEI: 15*ELITE, BEST, Best WalkingGalopp Horse in Warum, Legjobb Galoppló Sprint Kategóriában, 2xNICE: Nice Appearance Horse in P.D.D., 4th in First Competition in Alta, 2nd Placed Horse of Friesland, Perfect Racehorse on 800 m, 4th Placed of II. Three Nations Appearance, Best Galopp Horse, Good Horse in the OTP Bank, 3rd Placed of Brand's Derby 2011, 4th Placed of Champions of the Summer, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 1st of Plante Race, Best Galopp Horse in Glasgow Derby, 2nd in Sprint Category, 4th Placed of Grand Slam Derby 2011, 2xGOOD, Good Horse in Parfume Appearance, 2xGood, 2nd on Group Galopp Competition in Speed Evermore Sprint in 2nd Group, Perfect Thoroughbred in RTD, Good Thoroughbred on Autumn Gallop Cup, 3rd Placed of Cold Veather Stakes in 2nd Group, Darius de Azevedo Champion, Best Thoroughbred Horse, Special Simba Category, 5th in Lion King Appearance in ALTA, Perfect Gallop Horse on Coloured Gallop with Songs, Winner on Homecoming Sprint, 2nd Rated of Naruto world Gallop Derby, Winner of Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness.Appearance, 1st in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness.Appearance, Winner of Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness, 1st in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness, 1st after the Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness, Good in WLE, 3rd in Hogwarts Gallop Race, 1st in Triple Crown Round Two: The Kentucky Derby.Appearance, Winner of Triple Crown Round Two: The Kentucky Derby, 1st in Triple Crown Round Two: The Kentucky Derby, 2xBETTER, 2nd of Eight Belles & Ruffian Memory race, Winner of Triple Crown Round Final:The Belmondt Stakes.Appearance, 1st in Triple Crown Round Final:The Belmondt Stakes.Appearance, VERY GOOD, 3rd racehorse The Legend Derby, Good Work of BlackStone Derby, 2. helyezett a Gallop-Wettberwerb in Hamburg-on a Salyza Lk.-ban, The Best of Slipknot Category, Royal Court Champion, Most Beautiful Horse in III. Type Of Inspection, 1st in Colour Appearance, Champion Horse in Bay&Chestnut Category, Great of Addiction Color Appearance in Alcohol Category, NICE, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 40th of Spring's Mare&Stallion,
1. helyezések (13):
WalkingGalopp Appearance in Warum Nicht, mén/herélt kat.
Turfway Park Galopp in Warum Nicht, sprint kat.
Galopp in England, Waum Nicht, London kat. 3. futam
Planet Race in Nouvelle Lune, 800 m 2. futam
Coloured Gallop with Songs, Homecoming Sprint-800 m
Triple Crown Round One: The Preakness, Morte Exceptium, küllem - *különdíj
Triple Crown Round Two: The Kentucky Derby, küllem * különdíj
Triple Crown Round Two: The Kentucky Derby, Sprint
Triple Crown Round Final: The Belmont Stakes, küllem * különdíj
Triple Crown Round Final: The Belmont Stakes, Sprint
II. Royal Appearance, Royal Court, Slipknot kat.
III. Type Of Inspection, Cheval Maison
Colour Appearance, Scarlet Peers, Pej&Sárga kat.
2. helyezések (8):
Den Haag Handicap in Ponyisland, Friesland-800m kat.
Glasgow Derby, Warum Nicht, Sprint kat.
Group Galopp Competition, Run to Dawn, Speed Evermore Sprint
Special Appearance for Galopp Horses, Darius de Azevedo, Felvezetés közben-felnyergelve
Naruto world Gallop Derby, The Champion's of Glory, Arisa és Aki kat.
Eight Belles & Ruffian Memorial Derby, Sprint
Gallop-Wetterberg, Salyza Lovasközpont, Sprint
Addiction Color Appearance, Monarchia Magánpark, Alkohol kat.
3. helyezések (6):
April Appearance in Prinz de Deux, mén kat.
Brand's Derby 2011 in PonyIsland, OTP Bank kat.
Parfume Appearance, Premier Star Magánfarm, Playboy kat.
Autumn Gallop Cup, Run to Dawn, Cold Veather Stakes
Hogwarts Gallop Race, WLE, Hugrabug kat.
The Legend, A Morte Exceptium, The Short Stars kat.
egyéb (8):
4. hely.: First Competition in Alta, in Alta VP, galopp kat.
4. hely: II. Three Nations App., in Ponyisland, Anglia-angol telivér kat.
4. hely: Champions of the Summer, PonyIsland, Telivér kat.
4. hely.: Grand Slam Derby, PonyIsland, Australian Open
4.hely.: Special Appearance for Galopp Horses, Darius de Azevedo, Fejkép-fülvédő nélkül
4. hely.: Black Stone Derby, Black Stone RacingCentre, 800 méter
5.hely.: Lion King Appearance, Alta Lovasközpont, Simba kat.
40. hely.: Spring's Mare & Stallion, Nouvelle Lune