Midnight Kiss
2012.03.10. 17:34
NEVE: Midnight Kiss
NEME: Kanca
KORA: 7 év
FAJTÁJA: Arab telivér
SZÍNE: Deres
JELLEME: Nyugodt léptű, magabiztos kanca, ám ennek ellenére bemutatja játékos oldalát is.
SZÜLETÉSI DÁTUM: 2004.02.27.
ANYJA: Kiss Me Now
APJA: It's Already Midnight
ANYAI NAGYAPJA: ismeretlen
APAI NAGYAPJA: ismeretlen
MINŐSÍTÉSEI: 7xELITE, EXCELLENT, NICE, GOOD, Absolute Winner of The Earth Appearance in DLVP, Nice, Nice in WLE, 3th in II. Harry Potter Appearance Griffendél category, Absolute Winner of Missing Pictures Appearance, PonyIsland Champion, The Most Beautiful Horse in Arabian thoroughbred Category, 1st Placed of 3rd Stage in Tour de France 2011, Champion,Beautiful Horse in Prafume Appearance, Best Horse in Kalinka Category (Alcoholic Appearance), Beautiful, 4th Horse of October in RTD, 4th Placed of Horses of the Month Race in October 2011., Beautiful Horse, Great Appearance Horse of Coloured Appearance with Songs in RTD, 2nd in Sigma Category, Best Arabian Horse,1st in Arabians Meet, Good Appearance Horse, 3rd Placed of Musical Appearance Cup, Nice, Darius de Azevedo Champion, BETTER, Better in Paradise Stables, BEST in Cheval de Curse, Excellent, 2nd of Three Days Grace Category, 2nd Placed on One Picture Is Enough in Salyza P.S, 1st in Colour Appearance, Champion Horse in Black&Gray Category, Great of Addiction Color Appearance in Drug Category, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 8th of Spring's Mare & Stallion, Nice Horse in M's M,
1. helyezések (8):
1. hely.: The Earth Appearance | abszolút győztes
1. hely.: Missing Pictures Appearance, PonyIsland | abszolút győztes
1. hely.: 3rd Stage in Tour de France, PonyIsland
1. hely.: Parfume Appearance, Premier Star Magánfarm, Little White Dress kat.
1. hely.: Alcoholic Appearance, Prinze de Deux, Kalinka kat.
1. hely.: Arabian's Meet, Warum Nicht, Kanca kat.
1. hely.: Fajtakategóriás Küllemverseny, Cheval de Curse, Arab telivérek kat.
1. hely.: Colour Appearance, Scarlet Peers, Black&Gray kat.
2. helyezések (5):
2. hely.: Coloured Appearance with Songs, Run to Dawn, Sigma kat.
2. hely.: Arabian & Thoroughbred Appearance, Paradise Stables, Arabok kat.
2. hely.: II. Royal Appearance, Royal Court, Three Days Grace kat.
2. hely.: One Picture Is Enough, Salyza Private Stables, Kanca kat.
2. hely.: Addiction Color Appearance, Monarchia Magánpark, Kábítószer kat.
3. helyezések (4):
3. hely.: II. Harry Potter Appearance, Griffendél kat.
3. hely.: Musical Appearance, PonyIsland, The Present Hits Trophy
3.hely.: Big Appearance, Darius de Azevedo, 1. csoport
3. hely.: Channel Appearance, Mistral's Magánistálló, Story4
egyéb (2):
4. hely.: Horses of the Month, Run to Dawn, Október
8. hely.: Spring's Mare & Stallion, Nouvelle Lune